The Presidents Academy Executive Committee was created by the AACC Board of Directors to advise the AACC President and CEO and AACC Board of Directors on professional development training for CEOs. The Presidents Academy Executive Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the AACC President and CEO in planning the Summer Institute and provides special sessions for CEOs at the AACC Annual Convention and at the ACCT Annual Congress.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the members of the Presidents Academy?
All CEOs of AACC member institutions are automatically members of the Presidents Academy.
Who are the members of the Presidents Academy Executive Committee?
Executive Committee members represent specific geographic regions of the United States (Northern, Southern, Central, Western, and Pacific Regions). Three members are chosen to represent each region.
Executive Committee members serve three-year terms.
Who elects the Executive Committee?
The Executive Committee is elected by the Presidents Academy membership annually.
How can I serve on the Presidents Academy Executive Committee?
The nomination process is announced through AACC. At that time, members may nominate themselves or others to be on the executive committee. After that, nominations will close and ballots with the nominees’ names will be sent out to the membership.