September 9, 2022 | Issue # 219
I was thrilled to have a call this week with U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary Marty Walsh informing me that DOL was awarding $45 million to help 13 colleges expand access to training for good-paying jobs. This second round of Strengthening Community Colleges Training grants (SCCTG) will allow these colleges to better address equity gaps and help both employers and workers in their service areas. Congratulations to the colleges receiving grants.
I urge colleges to apply for the third round of SCCTG funding, which will total $50 million. The application deadline is October 14.
“A Closer Look at Transfers During the Pandemic”
The Covid pandemic significantly dampened transfers among all higher education institutions, but especially among public two-year college students, according to a new report from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Research Center. Get the details in CC Daily.
“Civic Action Plan Focuses on Community Engagement”
In Missouri, Metropolitan Community College’s new Civic Action Plan is an initiative to foster a greater sense of engaged citizenship among students and employees. Read about it in the AACC 21st Century Center blog.
AACC Board Nominations Are Now Open
AACC is accepting nominations for consideration for the 2023 Board of Directors slate. Current member CEOs may self-nominate or nominate colleagues for consideration. All nominees must be CEOs in good standing with the association. Nominations must be submitted by October 7, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. (ET). For more information, contact Fiona Strother.
Apply for the Next “Cyber Skills for All” Cohort Last year, in collaboration with Microsoft, AACC began building a community of practice called Cyber Skills for All: Community Colleges Lead the Way. AACC is competitively selecting a second cohort of 14 community colleges to join the community of practice. Selected colleges each will receive $20,000 to, among other things, help build high-quality cybersecurity programs that prepare graduates to enter a variety of occupational areas across the digital economy. Learn more here. Deadline to apply: October 7, 2022. Join Next Week’s Peer-to-Peer Discussion on Campus Safety The next Peer-to-Peer session will take place September 14 at 2:00 p.m. (ET). The topic is “Campus Safety,” facilitated by Hawai’i Community College Chancellor Dr. Rachel Solemsaas. During this one-hour Zoom session, you’ll be invited to share with other presidents your college’s safety plan, as well as concerns and challenges. Register now. Send a Leader to Roueche-FLI or FPI The AACC John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute and the Future Presidents Institute both will be held October 5-7 in Washington, D.C. Roueche-FLI is a three-day seminar designed for department chairs, deans, assistant/associate deans or directors who want to advance into a senior leadership role. FPI is an intensive program designed for senior leaders aspiring to the community college presidency. There’s still time to register for both. |
This week, AACC Senior Vice President Jen Worth, Director Kevin Christian, and Project Manager Katy Nelson visited the Community College of Philadelphia. They met with President Dr. Donald Guy Generals (pictured, center) and visited the college’s new Career and Advanced Technology Center.