Commission on College Readiness
The Commission on College Readiness will provide recommendations for consideration to AACC and AASA leadership in the design and execution of the two associations’ joint meetings. The commission also will help to identify promising practices and colleges and K-12 districts that have innovative solutions to advance college-going rates (21st-Century Commission Recommendation 2). The commission will volunteer as needed to assist in designing innovative programming for superintendents and college presidents to foster more effective and efficient relationships between the two associations.
Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will focus on ways that colleges can embed the principles of the AACC/ACCT Joint Statement of Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Excellence into the institutional culture and support diversity in the recruitment and hiring of leaders.
Commission on Economic and Workforce Development
The Commission on Economic and Workforce Development will be charged with examining ways to close the American skills gaps by sharply focusing career and technical education on preparing students with the knowledge and skills required for existing and future jobs in regional and global economies (21st-Century Commission Recommendation 3); showcase cutting-edge innovation (in workforce and economic development) with proven outcomes that improve student success; and offer affordable, high quality technical assistance in areas that support student success.
Commission on Institutional Infrastructure and Transformation
The Commission on Institutional Infrastructure and Transformation will be charged with focusing on the transformation of the institution to improve student success, which includes administrative processes, infrastructure, technology and building human resource capacity (21st-Century Commission Recommendation 4).
Commission on Public Relations Advocacy and Advancement
The Commission on Public Relations Advocacy and Advancement will focus on visioning and messaging for “friend” raising, coalescing internal and external partners around marketing and public relations campaigns that garner support for the two-year college and elevated fundraising (21st-Century Commission Recommendations 5, 6); collaboration with philanthropic organizations, and the private sector to drive investment in the nation’s community colleges; emerging trends in communications; and, sustain the 21st-Century Center to benefit all community colleges.
Commission on Research and Community College Trends and Issues
This commission will focus on research impacting the community college sector; identify and take a deep dive into current and future trends and issues impacting community colleges and assist the association in the curation relevant resources for external stakeholders to address the identified trends and issues; Advise association leadership on potential data sets that AACC may consider offering the sector; explore local, state and national approaches for measuring, describing, and reporting student and institutional success.
Commission on Small and Rural Colleges
The Commission on Small and Rural Colleges will offer the association advice and counsel on trends and issues impacting these institutions. The commission will highlight innovative practices in small and rural colleges that can serve as models for other institutions. The commission will also make suggestions to the association on ways that it may address the needs of the segment of this sector.
Commission on Structured Pathways
The Commission on Structured Pathways will focus on strategies for scaling community college pathways across systems, states, and the nation. The commission will contribute to the development of the AACC Pathways resources and related work through identification of pertinent resources, technical assistance expertise, and college examples, as well as through review of emerging evidence on the efficacy of pathways.
Commission on Student Success
The Commission on Student Success will focus on student access and success, and organizational transformation. The commission may examine subject areas, including but not limited to the following: degree completion and two-year to four-year transfer (21st-Century Commission Recommendations 1 & 2). In addition, the commission may focus on initiatives that facilitate the implementation of the 21st-Century Initiative and Implementation Guidelines; showcase cutting-edge innovation with proven outcomes and improve student success; and provide affordable, high-quality technical assistance in areas that support student success.