Affiliated Council Benefits
AACC will provide each council with the following:
- One seat on an AACC commission related to the Affiliated Council’s primary interests or activities.
- On a rotating basis, eligibility for election to one of six seats on the AACC Board of Directors.
- One complimentary convention registration for its executive director or council chair.
- Complimentary meeting/social event space during the AACC Annual Convention subject to availability. Requests for such space must be submitted through the standard AACC process.
- One complimentary subscription to the Community College Journal.
- 500–1,000 word Q&A-style article for the CC Daily. The topic will be focused on a program or service that is relevant to AACC members.
- Announcement of Affiliated Council events, provided they are coordinated so as not to interfere with scheduled AACC events.