May 19, 2017 | Issue # 088
None of us would be where we are without the benefit of mentorship and training. It’s so very important to “pay it forward” to those leaders and future leaders at your institution. We have a responsibility to ensure the next generation of leaders is prepared to succeed. That means investing in professional development, such as AACC’s renowned leadership training programs. You can learn more in the “Must Do” section.
House Education and the Workforce Committee Chair Virginia Foxx is on a personal quest to nix the “T” word, as in “training.” Foxx said the term only adds to the perceived stigma associated with vocational and trade careers. Read more in CC Daily.
Over the years, a number of student-athletes have signed letters of intent to play sports at Northeast Community College. But now the Nebraska institution has used the same concept to focus on why students attend college in the first place, to obtain a degree, and eventually get a job. Learn more at the 21st Century Center.
What have we been up to at AACC this year? A lot. I share with you my mid-year review, previously submitted to the AACC Board of Directors on May 10, which includes a look at the association’s recent accomplishments, as well as our priorities for the rest of the year.
Give the Gift of Professional Development
Are there any mid-level administrators at your institution who could benefit from leadership development? Send them to the AACC John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute, or Roueche-FLI. It will take place June 25–28, 2017, in Washington, DC. Funding is available to help cover the cost of the institute. AACC’s Future Presidents Institute is also taking place June 25–28. It’s designed for senior leaders aspiring to the community college presidency.
Connect with your peers and discuss current challenges and emerging trends at the AACC Presidents Academy Summer Institute (PASI). This annual professional development program for CEOs and presidents of member community colleges focuses on issues of critical importance to success in the role of the community college president. Join AACC in New York City, July 22–25. This year’s theme is “The Stories We Tell.” Register now.
Where’s Walter
On May 12, I delivered the commencement address to the graduates of Labette Community College (Kansas).
I also joined Board Chair Dan Phelan in attending the CCSSE Advisory Board meeting on May 10-11. CCSSE continues to do an excellent job of chronicling student engagement in the nation’s community colleges (Austin, TX).
See more Where’s Walter.