April 3, 2017 | Issue # 084
Time has really been flying. It’s hard to believe that our 97th Annual Convention is right around the corner. We hope that you will join us in New Orleans in a couple of weeks for the premier networking event for community college leaders. Leadership and professional development has been a hot topic in our sector, especially now with the number of transitions in senior positions. Whether you’re a new or seasoned leader, there are a few events that I want to bring to your attention.
New CEO Academy: Leadership and the 21st Century
A few slots are still available in the New CEO Academy. This year’s academy will highlight current trends and issues in community colleges. In addition, hear from new presidents about the lessons learned in their first year. Attendees also will learn about mission and institutional culture, finance and fundraising, and apply knowledge through current case studies. The academy is only open to new CEOs. Sign up today by logging back into your registration and adding the pre-convention workshop. Contact 202-416-4579 for assistance.
What You Wish You Had Known
If you are a new CEO, there is still time to sign up for the New CEO Dialogue with the AACC president and CEO, which will be held on Monday, April 24. This is an invitation-only event where new CEOs provide important feedback to AACC as it continues to develop and enhance professional development opportunities within its leadership suite. The deadline for new CEOs to RSVP is April 10 by 6:00 p.m. (ET). Let us know you’ll be in attendance by emailing us as ceo@aacc.nche.edu.
Invaluable Feedback from 10-Year CEOs
If you’ve been a CEO for at least 10 years, we want to hear from you, too. The AACC president and CEO is hosting a special dialogue with 10-year CEOs to receive advice and counsel related to the onboarding and outboarding of CEOs, as well as how to forge strong board relations, among other things. If you’re interested in engaging in a conversation that can set the path for the future, RSVP by April 10 at 6:00 p.m. (ET).
AACC is offering new CEOs, 25-year CEOs, and retiring CEOs one last chance to sign up for recognition at the Annual Hail and Farewell Luncheon and AACC Business Meeting on Sunday, April 23. Registering for the New CEO Academy pre-con does not automatically sign you up to participate in the luncheon program. Complete the form, and submit your photograph today. The deadline is Friday, April 7, at 6:00 p.m. (ET).
Register for the AACC Annual Convention
If you haven’t registered, you still have time. Online registration will close soon, but you may still register onsite.
Where’s Walter
I will be at the AACC Annual Convention, April 22-25, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
See more Where’s Walter.