February 28, 2020 | Issue # 157
We are a month out from the 100th AACC Annual Convention. We have many new and exciting offerings this year. We’re offering three no-cost pre-convention workshops: a College Promise Campaign Summit, a Student Parent Summit, and a Developmental Education Reforms in Practice workshop, all taking place Saturday, March 28. You can learn more about them here. There also will be an Introvert Lounge where you can go if you need a few minutes of quiet to focus and reset. We’ll facilitate “birds of a feather” meet-ups for people who want to tackle the same issues. There will even be a St. John pop-up shop at the conference for all your knitwear needs.
We can’t wait to see you next month!
“Partnerships to Develop More Teachers”
Community colleges are stepping up efforts to address the demand for teachers, often collaborating with four-year schools to get graduates into classrooms as seamlessly as possible. Learn more in CC Daily.
“Housing Solutions Through Community Collaboration”
Collaborating with community organizations can help two-year colleges support housing-insecure students. Read about it at the AACC 21st Century Center.
AACC Board Voting Closes Today
If you haven’t yet cast your vote in the AACC Board of Director election, you have until 5:00 p.m. (ET) today. Questions? Email amroyal@aacc.nche.edu.
Help Us Celebrate a Century of Success
The 100th AACC Annual Convention begins in one month. You can check out the full session schedule here, learn about the speakers here, and, most importantly, register here. We hope you’ll stay to the very end, as we celebrate excellence—and a century of success—at the Awards of Excellence Gala and AACC 100th Birthday Bash.
Deadlines are approaching for AACC’s convention. Convention registration closes March 11. If you have not registered by then, you will be able to register on site. Also, be sure to make your hotel reservation by March 4 to secure the AACC room rate at the Gaylord National Resort. If you’re planning to attend the Hail & Farewell Luncheon, the David R. Pierce Lecturing Honoring Outstanding Alumni, and the Awards of Excellence Gala and AACC 100th Birthday Bash, you must purchase tickets for those events when registering. However, on Friday, March 27, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at convention registration, we will have additional event tickets for purchase.
On February 19, AACC’s Jen Worth and I met with Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia and Assistant Secretary John Pallasch.
On February 20, members of the AACC team and I met with Lumina Foundation’s President and CEO Jaime Merisotis (right of me) and Vice President for the Future of Learning and Work Dr. Chauncy Lennon (left of me) to talk about Lumina’s 2025 completion goal.