October 18, 2019 | Issue # 148
This week, Democrats on the House Education and Labor Committee introduced the College Affordability Act, a rework of the Higher Education Act. At the center of the legislation is the proposed America’s College Promise, which would waive community college tuition and fees for all students in states that participate. The bill also includes an investment in developmental education and would allow Pell grants to cover qualifying short-term training programs. You can read more about it here.
We know how important these federal investments are to your institutions and to the students you serve. AACC will keep you updated on any movement on this legislation.
“A Partnership That’s Flourishing”
Members of AACC and AASA, The School Superintendents Association, have been holding meetings since 2014 to share promising practices and emerging challenges. Learn about the results of this collaboration in this CC Daily article.
Read how community colleges have stayed true to their mission while evolving to meet shifting needs in the latest issue of Community College Journal, online now.
Deadline Extended for Call for Proposals
We have extended the deadline for the AACC Annual Convention Call for Proposals from October 29 to November 15 at 5:00 p.m. (ET) in order to give submitters more time to refine their proposals. Sessions for the 2020 convention will be carefully curated to reflect current or emerging issues in the sector. The convention agenda will include traditional and interactive sessions. More than 250 sessions will be organized into four mini-conventions. Faculty, mid-managers, senior administrators, and CEOs will all have their own space to engage with and learn from their peers. Proposals may only be submitted by AACC members.
Submit Nominations for AACC Awards
Through its awards program, AACC recognizes outstanding work and contributions of individuals and colleges. We encourage you to submit nominations for the AACC Awards of Excellence and the Outstanding Alumni Awards. Nominations are due November 15, 5:00 p.m. (ET). AACC member CEOs also are encouraged to submit a faculty member for the Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Recognition.
October 13–14, I co-presided over our 11th college readiness meeting with Dan Domenech, executive director of AASA, The School Superintendents Association (pictured to my right). Also participating in the meeting were Hartnell College Superintendent/President Patricia Hsieh, Kris Kurtenbach with Collaborative Communications, and AACC Board Chair Alex Johnson.