Many of the employers in our area are operating behind schedule, with an emphasis on productivity over performance. These employers would rather hire ready-made craftsmen and technicians than invest the time in registered apprentices, so they resort to poaching from the existing workforce. Our greatest challenge is employer short-sightedness and lack of patience to appreciate the long-term return on investment (ROI).
In ROI discussions with employers, our college typically relies on existing formulas and calculators available through online resources, like Workforce GPS,, or other tools, such as MI Apprenticeship’s ROI Calculator. However, while they are impressed by the typical outcomes of registered apprenticeship investment, employers often dismiss ROI results as irrelevant or unattainable for their unique positions or economies.
Many employers are interested in registered apprenticeships, but they want to know the short-term benefits of investment. Our college focuses on qualitative ROI, such as increased loyalty, lower turnover, and improved employee engagement and moral, which is demonstrated through examples of other successful apprenticeships.
Developing employer engagement and trust is a long and arduous process, but these are key to persuading employers that registered apprenticeships are a winning solution to their workforce crisis, regardless of schedule pressures and job timelines.