The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) has become aware that numerous community colleges have not yet completed and submitted their Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Annual Performance Reports, covering activity funded between January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021. All annual reporting must be submitted through the data collection portal. This applies to […]
Analysis of HEROES Act provisions key to community colleges
On May 15, on a largely party-line vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act or the HEROES Act, H.R. 6800. This emergency supplemental appropriations bill would provide more than $3 trillion to address the coronavirus crisis, including significant additional resources for higher education. The legislation now […]
AACC Makes Funding Requests to Congress
Download the letters: Approps FY 2019 AACC ACCT Senate (PDF) Approps FY 2019 AACC ACCT House (PDF)
AACC Pre-NLS Legislative Update Webinar
> Download ‘AACC Pre-NLS Legislative Update’ as a PDF. In this free webinar, the AACC government relations team provided you with an up-to-date briefing on the federal policy issues that will be featured at the 2018 National Legislative Summit (NLS). We’ll leave plenty of time for questions and answers.
Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Key Funding Bill
The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved a bipartisan FY 2018 Labor, HHS and Education (LHHS) appropriations bill that contains some good news for community colleges and their students, as described below. The committee was not able to employ the same budget-enhancing tactics as last year and provides $800 million less overall for discretionary programs. Nevertheless, […]
Joint AACC-ACCT FY 2018 Funding Request
AACC and ACCT sent a joint letter to the House Appropriations Committee and Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee chairs and ranking members requesting their continued funding support for key community college federal programs prior to the full committee markup on July 19. Download the letter as a PDF.
House Committee Passes Funding Bill
The House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday passed along party lines a broad-ranging fiscal year 2018 funding bill that mirrors what its education and labor panel passed last week. The big cuts for programs affecting community colleges would include slashing $3.3 billion from the Pell Grant surplus, $86 million from job training programs and $95 million […]
House Subcommittee to Mark Up Education, Labor Funding Bill
The House Labor, HHS and Education appropriations subcommittee has released its FY 2018 appropriations bill, which it will write on July 13. Overall, the draft bill includes $156 billion in discretionary funding, $5 billion below last year’s level. With so much less funding to work with, there are numerous cuts to community college priority programs. […]
Joint AACC-ACCT FY 2018 Funding Request
AACC and ACCT sent a joint letter to the House Appropriations Committee and Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee chairs and ranking members requesting their continued funding support for key community college federal programs.
Trump Administration Releases FY 18 Budget Request
The Trump Administration yesterday released its FY 18 federal budget proposal, entitled A New Foundation for American Greatness. This is the President’s first full budget request, following a spending outline or so-called “skinny budget” released earlier this spring. The budget includes deep cuts to federal investments in education, job training and other community college priorities. […]