In a major victory for community colleges and their students, the FY 2017 omnibus appropriations bill released today by Congress reinstates year-round Pell Grants beginning with the 2017-18 award year. Restoration of year-round Pell has been a top AACC priority since its elimination in FY 2011.The omnibus bill funds federal agencies through September 30. Starting […]
Broad Group of Organizations Support Student Aid in Letter to Congress
576 organizations, including many community colleges, today sent a letter urging Congress to strengthen Pell Grants and protect other student aid programs when making funding decisions this year. AACC helped to draft and disseminate the letter for sign-ons. The letter’s signees include a wide swath of colleges and universities, education associations, student and public interest […]
Trump Administration Releases Budget Outline
The Trump Administration today released its FY 18 federal budget outline. The budget outline provides an early, concrete indicator of the priorities of the new administration. The plan contains deep cuts to federal investments in education, job training, and other community college priorities. This so-called “skinny budget” is a precursor to a full budget proposal […]