September 20, 2019 | Issue # 146
This week, I had the opportunity to participate in a meeting of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board. The board’s aim is to present recommendations to the National Council for the American Worker on ways to encourage the private sector and educational institutions to address the skills crisis. One recommendation made was for an “interoperable learning record” (ILR). The name is certainly a mouthful, but the idea behind it is solid: it would create a common approach to create, maintain, and share skills-related credentials and validation of learning. You can read about the board’s other recommendations here.
As always, it’s an honor to represent the community college sector on this board.
“Providing Opportunity in Juvenile Centers”
Community colleges and other higher education work with juvenile justice centers to help incarcerated youths gain access to education. Read about it in CC Daily.
A California college adds to its services to keep students from going hungry. Learn more in this AACC 21st Century Center blog post.
Seeking AACC Board Members from 1981 to 2006
In recognition of AACC’s 100th Birthday, we want to locate all AACC board members between 1981 and 2006 so that we can invite them to be a part of an epic celebration. If you know an AACC board member who served within this timeframe and you have contact information for him/her please take a moment to complete our contact form.
Through its awards program, AACC recognizes outstanding work and contributions of individuals and colleges. We encourage you to submit nominations for the AACC Awards of Excellence and the Outstanding Alumni Awards. Nominations are due October 25, 5:00 p.m. (ET).
AACC is now accepting nominations for its board of directors. AACC member CEOs can self-nominate or nominate another member CEO. The nominee’s name, title, and contact information should be sent to Dr. Angel Royal. The deadline for making all nominations is October 4, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. (ET). Learn more about the board here.
Registration is now open for AACC’s Workforce Development Institute, which will be held January 22–25, 2020, on Amelia Island, Florida. The theme for WDI 2020 is “Economic Innovators.”
On September 9, I met with SAA Consultants CEO Christel Slaughter and Jen Worth, AACC senior vice president of workforce and economic development, to discuss several AACC workforce priorities. (DC)
On September 17, I welcomed former Miami Dade College President Eduardo Padron to the AACC offices on September 17. Joining us (not pictured) was CEO of the Association of College and University Educators Susan Cates to discuss ways that AACC might partner with their organization. (DC)
Also on September 17, at the Invitation of Ms. Ivanka Trump, I traveled to Camp David for a dinner meeting with members of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board. (Thurmont, MD)
On September 19, I had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Danette Howard, chief strategy officer and senior vice president of Lumina Foundation, and I provided her with an update on the current and future work of AACC. (DC)
Today, I hosted the 4th AACC Unfinished Business Meeting with vice presidents of workforce and economic development, academic affairs, institutional research, and chief diversity officers to get input on our equity initiative. (DC)