November 30, 2018 | Issue # 127
I hope you all had a wonderful, restful Thanksgiving. Here at AACC, we’re especially thankful this year for you. Since the last newsletter, AACC held its annual Fall Meeting, which brought together board members and commissioners to discuss critical, timely topics, such as cybersecurity on campus. At the meeting, we also welcomed two new commissions: the Commission on Small and Rural Colleges and the Commission on Institutional Infrastructure and Transformation. Thank you to all who participated in the Fall Meeting.
AACC also has released the third edition of the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders. I’m so proud of this document, which captures input from hundreds of community college leaders. This latest edition is incredibly comprehensive and will be valuable in preparing leaders capable of spearheading change at all levels within the institution. We have received a number of compliments on the competencies, and I want to thank the AACC Board of Directors for their support in approving it. I’d also like to commend Dr. Angel Royal for her work coordinating and compiling the input for the document. You can learn more about the competencies in the “Must Know” section.
“What ED’s Title IX Proposal Means for Your College”
The U.S. Department of Education released its long-awaited proposed regulations governing how institutions must treat allegations of sexual harassment to be in compliance with Title IX. One of the most substantial changes in the proposed regulations details when an institution is deemed to have notice of possible sexual harassment to which it has an obligation to respond. Learn more in CC Daily.
“Coming Together to Serve Immigrant Students”
A program at an Arizona community college helps immigrant students navigate the hidden systems of workplace culture. Read about it at the AACC 21st Century Center.
AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders
We’re thrilled to announce that the third edition of the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders is now available. Previous editions of the competencies have served as the foundation for developing many curriculums for 2-year college grow-your-own and community college leadership doctoral programs. Now, as we reimagine the 21st-century community college, we have embedded the mission of student success and a framework for diversity into all levels of leadership.
Time Is Running Out: Submit Nominations Today!
The nomination period for the AACC Awards of Excellence and the Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Recognition closes today, November 30, at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
The AACC Workforce Development Institute 2019 will be held January 29–February 2, 2019, in San Diego, California. This year’s theme is “Skill Up, Step Up.” Join us as we highlight promising practices, explore new opportunities, and celebrate all of the ways in which community colleges skill up and step up.
Send a Workforce Leader to FLI at WDI
Are there any workforce and economic development and continuing education professionals at your college who want to advance their careers? Send them to the John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute (FLI) at AACC’s Workforce Development Institute, January 29–30, 2019, in San Diego. Registration closes December 14.
At the Fall Meeting, I’m joined by AACC Board Chair and Community College of Baltimore County President Sandra Kurtinitis, Cuyahoga Community College Dean Monique Umphrey, Lansing Community College President Brent Knight, and Cuyahoga Community College President Alex Johnson.
See more of Where’s Walter.