October 20, 2017 | Issue # 099
Closing the nation’s skills gap is a priority of the Trump administration. Community colleges play a major role in helping to accomplish this. Supporting apprenticeships, which allow students to earn while learning, is one way we’re narrowing that skills gap. I’m pleased that I’ll get the opportunity to represent our sector on the new President’s Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion. Read more about the task force below.
“When Less is More: Prioritizing Open Access”
AACC released a brief this week that questions the use of “full-time equivalent” in determining funding for community colleges and policies. Download the brief.
This week is DACA Advocacy Week. The week-long national campaign spotlights the importance of DACA legislation for undocumented immigrant students. Read about some DACA Week activities in CC Daily and the 21st Century Center.
Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion
I was honored this week to be named to the President’s Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion. The task force—which represent companies, trade and industry groups, educational institutions and labor unions—will work to address the nation’s skills gap. The task force is chaired by Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross serving as vice chairs. I look forward to representing community colleges as a part of this task force.
Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence
Last week, the Aspen Institute College Excellence recognized 150 community colleges for their excellence in student success outcomes. AACC congratulates those colleges who will compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. The Aspen Prize puts a spotlight not only on a select group of community colleges, but on the sector as a whole.
Honor Your Outstanding Faculty
Is there a faculty member at your college who demonstrates passion for the students and the classroom? The new AACC Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty recognition has been established to recognize faculty members making a difference in the community college classroom. AACC will accept one faculty nomination from each member college. Distinguished Faculty recipients will be honored at a private reception on April 29 at the AACC Annual Convention. They also will receive a 15% discount off of the current faculty registration rate for the convention, a custom commemorative medal, and more. AACC will accept nominations beginning on October 30. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
There’s Still Time: Answer the Call for Proposals
The deadline for the Call for Proposals has been extended to November 10, at 5:00 p.m. (ET). Share your knowledge at the 98th AACC Annual Convention. AACC is seeking proposals that reflect the best thinking in the field informed by outcomes that demonstrate success.
Register Now for AACC Federal Legislative Update Webinar
Will it be treats or tricks from Washington this year? AACC will host a free, federal legislative update webinar October 31 at 3:00 p.m. The government relations team will provide an up-to-date briefing on the latest federal policy issues, including DACA and immigration, federal funding, tax reform, regulatory proceedings, Title IX, the Higher Education Act and Perkins CTE Act reauthorizations, and more. Register now.
I delivered a keynote presentation on October 13 to participants of the National Council of Student Development’s Walter G. Bumphus Leadership Institute in Cleveland, Ohio.
See more of Where’s Walter.