October 6, 2017 | Issue # 098
This week, AACC represented community colleges at a public hearing hosted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Regulatory Reform Task Force. We also hosted a congressional briefing on Capitol Hill to discuss how community colleges are helping to close the skills gap. We’re working hard to bolster our relationships with the Education Department and with congressional offices.
Serving as President During Tumultuous Times
The community college presidency represents an amazing opportunity, but also comes with a huge sense of responsibility. This CC Daily article includes strategies that can help bring clarity to the challenging role of the presidency.
“A Little Relief for Student Parents”
Community colleges are helping student parents balance child care and college. Read about it at the AACC 21st Century Center.
AACC Congressional Briefing
On Thursday, October 5, AACC hosted a congressional briefing on Capitol Hill. AACC staff and community college and workforce leaders discussed how 2-year colleges are helping to meet the demands for America’s skilled workforce. You can download the handout online. Thank you to Drs. Deneece Huftalin and Alex Johnson for their participation.
Submit Nominations for AACC Awards
The nomination period for the AACC Leadership Award and the Outstanding Alumni Awards closes October 13. Awards of Excellence nominations are due November 30. Award recipients will be recognized at the AACC convention.
Send Your Rising Leaders to Roueche-FLI
Are there any mid-level administrators at your institution who could benefit from leadership development? Send them to the AACC John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute, or Roueche-FLI. It will take place December 3–6, 2017, in Washington, DC. Funding is available to help cover the cost of the institute. The registration deadline is November 24, 2017.
The AACC staff and I were pleased to welcome to our offices interim chancellor of Minnesota State, Devinder Malhotra, and others from the Minnesota State system on October 4.
See more of Where’s Walter.