As the COVID-19 crisis intensified in Indiana and many employers mandated remote work, Ivy Tech partnered with Indiana Governor Holcomb’s office on the state’s Rapid Recovery initiative. Our support was to provide 10,000 free classes to Indiana residents to upskill during the pandemic.
Ivy Tech partnered with Amatrol and the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA) to offer free online training and certification at the silver level for seven of the Industry 4.0 SACA certifications. More than 1,500 Hoosiers took advantage of this opportunity giving us a great pool to recruit students into our new 4.0 degree and into apprenticeships with employers who value and have adopted the SACA credentials embedded in our programs.
Feedback from one student: “I have been finishing up on my other courses in SACA Certified Industry 4.0 Associate I & II courses and have now completed and met my deadline. I will be going over the material in improvement for my SACA Pneumatic Systems 1 Certification Exam. I have one question do I have a deadline to have my Exam Completed by? I want to be able to retain as much information I can to be able to get the Gold. Also, I have some good news I like to share I just landed a career in the field with a company by the name of Siemens I know you’ve heard of them. So, I’m excited to be a part of the industry and can’t wait to learn all I can.”