Community College Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) Summit Report (PDF)
Community College URE Summit Report – Executive Summary (PDF)
Purpose, Outcomes, and URE Definition Statement (PDF)
URE Stakeholder Engagement One-Pagers *New*
URE Summit Participant Video Vignettes
URE Summit Participant Map (PDF)
URE Summit Community College Daily Articles
- Fostering research experiences for students
- New funding for research experiences at two-year colleges
- AACC summit focuses on undergraduate research
- Diving into student research experiences
- A focus on student research experiences
- Research experiences have major benefits
- Inspirational research
- Exploring research experiences at community colleges
Collaborating Organizations
Select Publications and Resources
Balster, N., Pfund, C., Rediske, R. & Branchaw, J. (2010). Entering Research: A Course That Creates Community and Structure for Beginning Undergraduate Researchers in the STEM Disciplines. CBE – Life Sciences Education Journal Vol 9(2): 108-118.
Cooper, K., Soneral, P. & Brownell, S. (2017). Define your goals before you design a CURE: A call to use backward design in planning course-based undergraduate research experiences. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education V 18 (2): 18.2.30
CLARK System at Towson (2020). Supported by National Security Agency.
CURE Collection (2020)
Hewlett, J.A. (2018) Broadening Participation in Undergraduate Research Experiences (UREs): The Expanding Role of the Community College. CBE—Life Sciences Education V17(9), 1–3
Hyman, O.J., Doyle, E.A., Harsh, J., Mott, J., Pesce, A., Rasoul, B., Seifert, K., and Enke, R.A. (2019). CURE-all: Large Scale Implementation of Authentic DNA Barcoding Research into First-Year Biology Curriculum. CourseSource. Retrieved from
Kuh, G.D., & O’Donnell, K. (2013). Ensuring quality & taking high-impact practices to scale. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges & Universities.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2016) Barriers and Opportunities for 2-Year and 4-Year STEM Degrees: Systemic Change to Support Students’ Diverse Pathways. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Pagano, T.; Ross, A.D.; and Smith, S.B. (2015) Undergraduate Research Involving Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Interdisciplinary Science Projects”. Education Sciences, 5(2): 146-165.
Pagano, T. “Conducting Research with Early Undergraduates and Students with Special Needs”. In Broadening Participation in Undergraduate Research: Fostering Excellence and Enhancing the Impact. (Boyd and Wesemann- Editors) Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR): Washington, DC. 2009.
Pawloski, J. & Shabram, P (2019). Two Year Community: Building engagement in STEM through Career Courses at Two Year Institutions. Journal of College Science Teaching, Nov 19.
REIL-Biology fostering Research Experiences in Introductory Laboratory in Biology. (2020)
Rogers, R. and Pagano, T. (2018) Intentional Efforts Towards an Inclusive Undergraduate Research Environment for Underrepresented Students. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 1(4):47.
Rogers, R. and Pagano, T. (2018) Mending the Gap: An Intentional Focus on Integrating Underrepresented Minority and Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students into the Research Culture. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2018, Available at
Singer, J & Zimmerman, B. (2012) Evaluating a Summer Undergraduate Research Program: Measuring Student Outcomes and Program Impact. CUR Quarterly. V32(3): 40-47.
Tanner, K. (2013). Approaches to biology teaching and learning. Structure Matters: Twenty-One Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Engagement and Cultivate Classroom Equity. CBE – Life Sciences Education Journal V 12(3): 322-331.
Walz, K.A. & Christian, J.R. (2017) Capstone Engineering Design Projects for Community Colleges. American Journal of Engineering Education. 8(1): 1-12