Hennepin Technical College
Institution Profile
- Name:Hennepin Technical College
- President/CEO:Joy Bodin
- Website: https://hennepintech.edu
- Address:9000 Brooklyn Boulevard
- City:Brooklyn Park
- State: MN
- Zipcode:55445
- Phone:(952) 995-1300
- Control Type:Public
- Urbanicity: Large City, Suburb
- Year Established:1972
- IPEDS Enrollment Year:2022
Key Contacts
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Related Campuses
Credit Enrollment
- Total Enrollment:3974
- Full-time:0.333668848
- Part-time:0.666331152
Student Characteristics
- Male:0.623049824
- Female:0.376950176
- African American:0.209864117
- Asian/Pacific:0.091847006
- Hispanic:0.100150981
- Native American:0.004277806
- White:0.510065425
- Other:0.083794665
- Total Minority:0.406139909