State funds comprise one-third (32.4%) of the community college sector’s revenues, with tuition and local funds each accounting for about 21%, according to the American Association of Community Colleges’ Fast Facts 2023. Federal funds represent 18.5%.
DataPoints: State and local funding
State funding is an important revenue stream for public institutions of higher education. However, the distribution between two-year and four-year colleges varies considerably by state. According to data recently released by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, less than one quarter (22.8%) of state higher education fiscal support is used to support public two-year college operating funds, […]
DataPoints: Relying on state funding
State funding accounted for 31 percent of community colleges’ revenues in 2014-15. Six years earlier, it was at 36 percent. Read full PDF.
DataPoints: Where the revenue comes from
State funding at community colleges has decreased by six percentage points in the last few years. Read the full PDF.