August 20, 2021 | Issue # 194
The fall semester has started for some of you. As the Delta variant continues to surge, I know there is a lot of weight on your shoulders. You must continue to create an environment where your students, staff, faculty, and the community at large are safe. Some of you are dealing with state decisions that you don’t agree with. And still others of you are dealing with flooding, impending tropical storms, and large-scale fires. All of this is affecting the mental health of all members of the college community, and maybe it’s taken a toll on your own mental health. Please know that AACC continues to monitor the challenges that you are currently facing, and our staff stand ready to support you.
“Fingers Crossed for the Fall”
What will fall enrollments look like for community colleges? Check out a sampling of what leaders at some colleges expect, in CC Daily.
“Deconstructing a Historical Construct”
In the latest issue of Community College Journal, presidents talk about the work being done to shed assumptions and make everyone feel welcome at their institutions.
Advocate for Community College Priorities
We encourage you to ask Congress to enact community college priorities in the American Jobs and Families Plans. Learn more here.
Invest in Leadership Development
The deadline to register for the John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute (FLI) and Future Presidents Institute (FPI) is September 13. Both programs will be offered October 5-7 in Washington, DC. Roueche–FLI serves mid-level community college administrators looking to advance into a senior leadership role. FPI is for senior leaders aspiring to the community college presidency. Is there someone on your staff who could benefit from this type of professional development? Consider sending them to Roueche-FLI or FPI.