May 8, 2020 | Issue # 162
It’s graduation season, and though commencement is very different this year, I’ve gotten a lot of joy reading about your “virtual” ceremonies. Thank you for all you’re doing to honor your graduates.
As the spring semester winds down, I know you all are thinking ahead to the summer and fall semesters. Today, AACC hosted a webinar called “Prepare to Open: Strategies for Reengaging Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community After COVID-19 Webinar.” If you weren’t able to attend the webinar, the recording is posted here. Thank you to our presenters: Cuyahoga Community College President and AACC Board Chair Alex Johnson, El Paso Community College President and AACC Chair-Elect William Serrata, Lansing Community College President and AACC Board member Brent Knight, and Northern Virginia Community College President Anne Kress.
“Preparing to Re-Open This Fall”
During a virtual joint meeting of AACC and ACCT this week, community college leaders shared their plans for the summer and fall as colleges prepare to start at least some in-person classes this fall. Read about it in CC Daily.
“A New Approach to Teaching English”
Onondaga Community College is changing its approach to developmental reading and English to increase student success. Find out about it in this AACC 21st Century Center blog post.
CC Voice Podcast on Nursing Education
In the latest episode of AACC’s Community College Voice podcast, I talked with Donna Meyer, CEO of the Organization of Associate Degree Nursing, about the state of nursing education. Listen here.
Apply to Be on an AACC Commission
Interested in serving on one of AACC’s nine commissions? AACC is now accepting applications. CEOs, vice presidents/vice chancellors, associate/assistant vice presidents/vice chancellors, and provosts from AACC member colleges are eligible to apply. Appointments range from 1 to 3 years. Commissions meet twice a year. The deadline to submit applications is June 1, 2020, by 5:00 p.m. (ET).