The Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN), an AACC affiliate council, is deeply concerned about the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) in caring for individuals who have or potentially may be infected with COVID-19.
With the pandemic spreading, the need for the PPE equipment is becoming more critical. No healthcare provider should be forced to reuse or make their own PPE equipment, thus putting themselves and other individuals at risk.
OADN has issued a call to action encouraging every community college nursing program to provide PPE supplies to their community healthcare facilities to aid in this shortage.
Through this message, you are encouraged to talk to your college administration, take inventory, and provide any available supplies to support our healthcare providers who are on the front lines working to contain this virus.
“As our nation’s community colleges continue to adjust their programs and operations in light of the coronavirus pandemic, many are also donating medical masks, gloves, gowns and more to local healthcare providers to ensure their frontline staff are protected as they help mend those who have become ill with the virus,” AACC President and CEO Walter Bumphus said. “It is remarkable to see how the institutions that are preparing students to work in the healthcare field are stepping up to help their partners and communities during this crisis.”
To learn more about this effort, please click here.