November 15, 2019 | Issue # 150
Elections were held last week, and though it wasn’t considered a major election year, many community colleges had funding measures on the ballot. I was heartened to hear that Ohio’s Cuyahoga Community College had the support of voters on a tax levy issue. The 1.9-mill renewal and 0.4-mill increase provides 25% of college funding. In Michigan, Oakland Community College’s millage renewal passed overwhelmingly. And Doña Ana Community College’s bond passed, which will raise up to $16 million for the New Mexico college.
There are more great stories like this. When community members show their support at the ballot box, it’s further proof that what you do is valued.
This week, AACC held its annual fall commission, committee, and board meetings. Thank you to all who serve on the AACC Board of Directors or on one of our commissions. Your insights and feedback help inform our work.
“Endowments: They’re Not Just for Elite Universities Anymore”
The $486 million in the Miami Dade College Foundation’s endowment is far below the $38 billion Harvard University reported in its endowment in fiscal year (FY) 2018. And though it’s unlikely that any community colleges will approach $1 billion anytime soon, two-year institutions are steadily growing their endowments. Read more in CC Daily.
“Giving Back Through Mentoring”
A mentoring program at Quinsigamond Community College is a win-win for mentors and mentees. Learn about it at the AACC 21st Century Center.
AACC has just published a policy brief on community college affordability that explores the financing challenges facing community college students, despite the generally low tuitions they are charged. You can read it here.
Register for the AACC Convention
The 100th Annual AACC Convention will bring together those in the community college sector and beyond to discuss trends and issues affecting 2-year colleges and the students they serve. Register now! We’ll see you March 28-30, 2020, in National Harbor, Maryland.
I attended the Austin Community College District’s Boots & Bats Gala on November 2. Pictured with me are Dr. Aileen Bumphus, who co-chaired the event, ACC President/CEO Richard Rhodes, and Brette Lea, vice president for the district’s Office of Communications and Marketing.