September 22, 2017 | Issue # 097
I was happy to read this week that many Texas and Florida colleges have reopened after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Of course, this comes as no surprise—community colleges are known for their resilience and resourcefulness. To those of our members who are still working around the clock to prepare to reopen, you remain in our thoughts and our prayers. AACC continues to be on standby, ready to help in any way.
“Fla., Texas colleges welcome back students”
Florida community colleges sustained property damage from Hurricane Irma, but most campuses don’t expect enrollment drops. In Texas, it’s a mixed picture as colleges continue to clean up after Hurricane Harvey, according to this CC Daily article.
“The Lasting Impact of Mentor-Connect”
Mentor-Connect helps faculty members transform their professional experiences, and improves technician education programs and colleges’ grant-management capacity. Read about it at the AACC 21st Century Center.
“Lessons from a Voluntary Framework of Accountability Journey”
Using the Voluntary Framework of Accountability, one Iowa college is able to tell a more comprehensive community college story. Learn more at the 21st Century Center.
Letter of Support for DACA
AACC drafted a letter to Congress to show our support for DACA participants and urge legislators to enact the Dream Act, or something similar. You can sign on to the letter here.
Submit Nominations for the AACC Board of Directors
Have you thought about serving on the AACC Board of Directors? The board is now accepting nominations for consideration for the 2018 slate. Nominees must be CEOs of AACC member institutions, and can either be self-nominated or nominated by AACC member CEOs. To submit a nomination, please send an email to The email must include the full name of the nominated CEO, along with his/her official title, and pertinent contact information. If you are nominating a colleague, please reach out to the nominee to determine if he/she is interested in being considered for the slate before submitting a name. The deadline for nominations is October 6 at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
Share your knowledge at the 98th AACC Annual Convention. AACC is seeking proposals that reflect the best thinking in the field informed by outcomes that demonstrate success. Deadline tosubmit: October 13, 2017, 5:00 p.m. (ET).
Submit Nominations for AACC Awards
The nomination period is now open for the AACC Leadership Award, Outstanding Alumni Awards, and the Awards of Excellence. Nominations for the Leadership and Outstanding Alumni Awards are due October 13, 2017. Awards of Excellence nominations are due November 30. Award recipients will be recognized at the AACC convention.
Submit Nominations for the AACC Board of Directors
The AACC Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for consideration for the 2018 slate. Nominees must be CEOs of AACC member institutions, and can either be self-nominated or nominated by AACC member CEOs. To submit a nomination, please send an email to The email must include the full name of the nominated CEO, along with his/her official title, and pertinent contact information. If you are nominating a colleague, please reach out to the nominee to determine if he/she is interested in being considered for the slate before submitting a name. Deadline for nominations: October 6 at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
Join AACC in New Orleans for the Workforce Development Institute (WDI), January 30–February 2, 2018. The WDI 2018 theme is “Exploring Intersections.” Register now.
Give the Gift of Professional Development
Are there any mid-level administrators at your institution who could benefit from leadership development? Send them to the AACC John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute, or Roueche-FLI. It will take place December 3–6, 2017, in Washington, DC. Funding is available to help cover the cost of the institute. The registration deadline is November 24, 2017.

On September 15, Dr. Angel Royal and I traveled to Chicago to meet with City Colleges of Chicago Chancellor Juan Salgado.
Where’s Walter
I attended a dinner at the residence of the Swiss Ambassador Dr. Martin Dahinden on September 19 to meet with experts on Swiss vocational education. (Washington, DC)
On September 21, I was pleased to welcome Snead State Community College President Robert Exley and National Junior College Athletic Association CEO/Executive Director Christopher Parker to the AACC offices. (Washington, DC).
See more Where’s Walter.