February 10, 2017 | Issue # 080
I’m proud to announce that the AACC Pathways Project is making great progress. The 30 colleges participating have done tremendous work in helping to bring guided academic and career pathways to scale for all students. And now the initiative is growing. Pathways Project 2.0 is launching and you’re invited to join. More details are in the “Must Know” section.
“Dissecting Data on Degree Earners”
The number of students earning their first undergraduate degree—both associate and bachelor’s degrees—in 2015-16 declined by 1.4% from the previous year, according to a new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Get the details in Community College Daily.
“The Latest on Campus Carry Laws”
The AACC 21st Century Center has an update on which states are allowing—or close to allowing—guns on campuses.
Building on the success of the AACC Pathways Project, AACC invites your college to apply for participation in AACC Pathways 2.0, a new round of Pathways Institutes aimed at helping community colleges design and implement guided academic and career pathways at scale, for all of their students. The project is based on a model series of six institutes, each engaging five-person teams from a competitively selected group of 25 colleges. Participating colleges must commit to payment of annual fees to cover costs of project services over the 3-year period of their participation. Interested? Email a notice of preliminary intent to apply to Sarah Cale by February 17, 2017.
Don’t Miss Out on the AACC Convention
Register now for the 97th Annual AACC Convention. Take a look at the sessions being offered in this online searchable schedule.
Vote in the AACC Board of Directors Election
Voting is now open for member CEOs to elect new AACC directors and members of the Presidents Academy Executive Committee in February. Voting credentials were emailed on January 30, and ballots were sent from aacc@simplyvoting.com. Voting closes February 28. Questions? Contact Angel Royal.
Show Your Data Some Love with VFA
The Voluntary Framework of Accountability (VFA) is now a part of your membership. Activate today and show your data some love. Whether you’re preparing for accreditation reporting, looking to do some meaningful strategic planning, or just want numbers that truly reflect the community college student, VFA is the only national system and data tool with comprehensive measures of community college performance. Now, more than ever, your participation is critical. It’s easy to activate and lend your voice to the national discussion of student success in community colleges.
Where’s Walter
On February 1, at the invitation of Dr. Jill Biden, I joined her and members of her staff for a meeting in Washington, DC, to discuss the new Biden Foundation and how she might continue to support community colleges.
On February 8, Phi Theta Kappa President and CEO Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner visited the AACC offices to provide me with an update on the new PTK strategic plan.
See more Where’s Walter.