Higher education attainment leads to increased earnings and lowers the likelihood of unemployment. Read full PDF.
DataPoints: Veterans benefits help students succeed
About seven out of 10 student veterans using Post 9/11 GI benefits completed or were progressing in their programs between August 2009 and December 2013. Read full PDF.
DataPoints: Educational attainment
Making progress: The attainment of postsecondary education in the U.S increased from 13 percent in 1950 to 59 percent in 2015. Read the full PDF.
DataPoints: Financially challenged
According to a recent survey, 49 percent of community college students reported struggling with making ends meet, resorting to taking loans or asking friends, family or charitable organizations for financial help at least once or twice over the past year. Read the full PDF.
DataPoints: High School Projections
While the number of high school graduates is expected to remain relatively stable, the percentage of minorities among them is expected to increase, and the rate of white graduates is predicted to drop. Read the full PDF.
DataPoints: Enrollment Trend
Public two-year colleges have seen a 9.6 percent dip in enrollment since 2013. Read the full PDF.
DataPoints: Gainfully employed
Community colleges are the only sector of higher education not to have any programs fail the federal gainful employment test. Read the full PDF.
DataPoints: Prepared for the workforce
Technical career students most strongly feel that their education prepared them for their jobs. Read full PDF.
DataPoints: Boom in certificates
Between 2000 and 2014, the number of certificates awarded at community colleges increased by 236 percent. Read the full PDF.