The betting window will be open on Sunday, April 7, from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM and on Monday, April 8, from 9:00 AM–1:00 PM. The race will take place at 3:45 PM.
How to place a bet
To place a bet, you must first choose your horse:
- Straight Laced #TeamLaced
- Nervous Nelly #TeamNelly
- Peace, Love, and Understanding #TeamPL&U
- Which End is Up #TeamWEIU
- Earn at least $10 in community college bucks from exhibitors.
- Go to the betting window and purchase your raffle ticket. You may buy more tickets as you earn community college bucks from exhibitors.
- Give the betting operator your community college bucks and complete the raffle ticket information.
- The betting window will separate the tickets, giving you one piece and placing the other in the raffle. The ticket will then be placed in the pool for your horse.
- AACC will choose 100 winners from the winning horse’s raffle for excellent prizes after the race.