Hesston College
Institution Profile
- Name:Hesston College
- President/CEO:Joseph Manickam
- Website: http://www.hesston.edu
- Address:Box 3000
- City:Hesston
- State: KS
- Zipcode:67062
- Phone:(620) 327-8233
- Control Type:Independent
- Urbanicity: Distant, Town
- Year Established:1909
- IPEDS Enrollment Year:2022
Key Contacts
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Related Campuses
Credit Enrollment
- Total Enrollment:325
- Full-time:0.929230769
- Part-time:0.070769231
Student Characteristics
- Male:0.455384615
- Female:0.544615385
- African American:0.076923077
- Asian/Pacific:0.012307692
- Hispanic:0.135384615
- Native American:0.018461538
- White:0.523076923
- Other:0.233846154
- Total Minority:0.243076923