November 3, 2017 | Issue # 100
House Republicans released their tax reform legislation yesterday. It would make attending college more expensive for thousands of students. To reduce corporate and personal taxes and simplify the tax code, dozens of provisions are included to increase tax revenues in other areas, and many of those revenue raisers would negatively affect colleges and the students they serve. AACC will be watching this legislation closely and is actively advocating to advance positions on tax reform that protect our students.
At the annual ATE Principal Investigators Conference, a young researcher acknowledges her mentors and “pays it forward” by encouraging younger students. Read about it in CC Daily.
“Transfer Students Valued, But…”
Four-year colleges and universities value transfer students, but barriers still exist. Learn more at the 21st Century Center.
“Revised Data Shows Community Colleges Have Been Underappreciated”
Last month, the U.S. Education Department released the revised set of graduation rates. The new data suggest that some community colleges are doing a much better job of preparing students for future success than they’ve gotten credit for, writes New America’s Kevin Carey in this New York Times article.
You may have noticed that AACC has a new website. It was developed to be more uuser-friendly The site provides easy access to news, event information, action items, and other valuable resources.
Register for the AACC Annual Convention
Registration is now open for the 98th Annual AACC Convention. We hope you’ll join us in Dallas, Texas, April 28–May 1, 2018.
Proposal submission for the AACC convention will be accepted until November 10, 5:00 p.m. (ET). Check out the guidelines online.
Honor Your Outstanding Faculty
The new AACC Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty recognition has been established to recognize faculty members making a difference in the community college classroom. AACC will accept one faculty nomination from each member college. Distinguished Faculty recipients will be honored at a private reception on April 29 at the AACC Annual Convention. They also will receive a 15% discount off of the current faculty registration rate for the convention, a custom commemorative medal, and more. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
Send Your Rising Leaders to Roueche-FLI
Are there any mid-level administrators at your institution who could benefit from leadership development? Send them to the AACC John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute, or Roueche-FLI. It will take place December 3–6, 2017, in Washington, DC. Funding is available to help cover the cost of the institute. The registration deadline is November 24, 2017.
On October 26, I was pleased to welcome AAC&U President Lynn Pasquerella and Greenfield Community College President Bob Pura to the AACC office. We were joined by AACC’s Martha Parham and Angel Royal.
See more of Where’s Walter.