Name: Marta Yera-Cronin
Job Title: President
Institution: Delaware County Community College (PA)
Since: 2023
Previous Positions: President, Columbia Gorge Community College (2018- 2023); Vice President and other roles, Indian River State College (2001-2018)
Affiliations and/or Boards: Chester County (PA) Economic Development Council: board member; Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities Board of Commissioners: member; Rural Community College Alliance Board of Directors: board member
State Engagement: Oregon Community College Association; Mid-Columbia Economic Development District; PA Commission of Community College Board of Directors; Chester County Economic Development Council
Past AACC Conventions Attended: 2022, 2019, 2016
Past AACC Professional Development Participation: AACC Commission on Institutional Infrastructure and Transformation; AACC Commission on Small and Rural Colleges; National Community College Hispanic Council Leadership Fellow, currently serving as a mentor to three NCCHC Fellows; AACC Annual Convention: presenter; AACC Workforce Development Institute: presenter
Education: Ed.D., Instruction, University of Sarasota; M.Ed., Reading, Barry University; B.A., French, University of Miami
Other: Procured millions of dollars in numerous local, state and federal grants; highly regarded leader and educator; fluent in English, French, and Spanish.