Name: Dan Phelan
Job Title: President & CEO
Institution: Jackson College (MI)
Since: 2001
Previous Positions: President, Southeastern Community College; Executive Vice President, Educational and Student Services, Western Nebraska Community College
Affiliations and/or Boards: AACC Board of Directors: member, chair-elect, board chair, past-chair; Center for Community Colleges and Student Engagement (CCCSE): board chair; Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society: board member; AACC Legislative Advocacy Group: member
State Engagement: Michigan Association of Community Colleges (MCCA): board member and prior board chair; MCCA President’s Committee: member; Council of North Central Two-Year Colleges: prior president; Michigan Works (Governor appointed): prior board member
Past AACC Conventions Attended: 2024, 2023, 2022
Past AACC Professional Development Participation: AACC Commission on Global Education; AACC 21st-Century Commission on the Future of Community Colleges: member of the Implementation Steering Committee, and co-chair of Team #7; AACC Commission on Academic, Student and Community Development: chair; AACC Rural Community College Policy Roundtable: member; AACC Legislative Update Webinars: participant; ACCT National Legislative Summit: participant; AACC President’s Academy Summer Institute: participant; AACC Future Leaders and Future Presidents Institutes: presenter
Education: Ph.D., Higher Education, Iowa State University; M.B.A., Business Administration, St. Ambrose University; B.A., Business Administration, Mount St. Clare College; A.A. Liberal Arts, Mt. St. Clare
Other: Higher Learning Commission, Chicago, IL: peer reviewer; Negotiator for a Negotiated Rule Making conference with the U.S. DOE focused upon accreditation and distance education; Higher Education Resource Development Institute: board member; United States Congressional Testimony: “Accreditation as Quality Assurance”; Continuous Quality Improvement Network (CQIN), now AFIT: former board chair